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Showing posts from August, 2021

Do blind people get dreams?

Have you ever thought that "do blind people dream"? So the answer to this question is  YES ! But what do they see and feel in their dreams? 👨‍🦯 Visuals might be the major part of the dream but dreams do have other sensations like touch, sound, taste, and smell. 👨‍🦯 So people who are born blind cant see the real world, thus they don't have visuals in their dreams but in real life they smell, taste, speak, hear. So they experience more sensations of this kind in their dreams. 👨‍🦯 Wait we are speaking about blind people, now a question hits your brain that, there are people who lost their eyes in their ongoing life rather than those who were born blind. 👨‍🦯 So does the people who had gone blind in the time get visuals in their dreams or do they dream as same as blind-born people? 👨‍🦯 No, they don't dream like blind-born people, they do have visuals along with other sensations because they have already seen the world and experienced it.      

Is there a reason behind people saying not to drink water immediately after exercising??🥤

🥤 After intense work, we tend to drink water in order to replenish the loss of body fluids during the exercise by sweat. 🥤Drinking water after the exercise also helps in regulating the body temperature. 🥤But it's not advisable to drink water immediately after an intense exercise. 🥤It is advisable to drink water after 30 to 40 minutes after a workout because gulping water immediately after the exercise will fill the gastrointestinal tract which will eventually burden the heart. And during the workout, we sweat a lot which causes loss of salts from our body through sweat, which means drinking water immediately will surely disturb the balance of water and salt, which further leads to tiredness. 🥤And drinking excess water might bulge Brian and can cause brain edema. 🥤Not only drinking water after the right interval is important but the temperature also matters a lot. 🥤Drinking cold water or eating ice after a workout might affect the natural cooling system of the body, because c

Does the growth of white hair increase when you pluck white hair follicles?🧓🏻

  So this is a commonly held belief by everyone who has white hair. 🧓🏻 When people find white hair they only find two options, either to pluck it or ignore it. 🧓🏻Basically, this isn't true because plucking white hair will only get you new white hair in that place because there is only one hair that can grow per follicle. The surrounding hairs will not turn white until their own follicles pigment cells die. 🧓🏻 So whenever you try to pluck white hair, again a white hair grows back because it tends to be white due to melanin deficiency 1.Vitamin Deficiency: 🧓🏻 The major reason for whitening of hair is vitamin deficiency of B-6, B-12, vitamin D.So getting white hair at an early age indicates the deficiency of the following vitamins. Vitamin B-12 is associated with a condition called pernicious anemia, which is when your body can't absorb enough of this vitamin. A deficiency can weaken the hair cells and affect melanin production. 2.Stress: 🧓🏻 Stress can also affect your h

Does wearing someones glasses👓 damage our eye sight?

The myth which keeps on tingling in everyone's brain is "Wearing the wrong prescription glasses can damage our eyes". 🤓The one and only one straight answer to this is a big NO . 🤓Beacause wearing the wrong prescription glasses only gives a headache and dizziness if we wear them for too long because the brain keeps rejecting that. 🤓But the expert say that "that depends on the age". Ed.Averbukh, MD, an eye surgeon. 🤓That means, in children low vision induced by wrong classes may cause amblyopia(lazy eye), which constitutes permanent damage. According to some theories, even myopia (shortsightedness) may develop in children who are wearing the wrong prescription glasses. 🤓In adults however the nerve wiring between the eyes and the brain is already established and rigid, so there is no danger of amblyopia, but wrong glasses may cause eye strain and headache, but usually no permanent damage to the eyes. 🤓Prolonged use of wrong glasses in adults may sometimes ind

Why is the skin around the genitals ,armpits and neck darker than the rest of the body?

 Experts say that sex hormones that tend to increase in the body also increases melanin production. 👤These hormonal changes cause the skin around the genitals and nipples to darken 👤It's also common to have darker skin around the butt, armpits, neck, inner thighs because these areas experience considerable friction during movement. 👤But some people try to bleach their genitals. According to the experts, that's not advisable and necessary, because it can cause irritation. 👤So it's normal for the skin there to be darker than the rest of the body. Source:Leeza Mangaldas (Instagram) 

"Brain death and Coma" - are they the same?

People often confuse Brain death with coma, because they look similar to the eye. Usually, the Brain has 2 parts: 1.Cortex : handles major functions of the body 2. Brain Stem : consciousness 🧠When a person meets with an accident then if the cortex damages then the person can't move or do any activities like a sleeping person or a paralyzed person, but he lives and breaths because the bain stem is not damaged. 🧠But if the brain stem gets damaged a person can't breathe unless the person is on life support (ventilator). 🧠So that the person's heart pumps the blood to the organs which keeps the organs alive for more days, but the brain is not alive and the person is considered dead. They don't know that the brain has died because the heart has its own pacemaker. The only thing it needs is an adequate supply of oxygen. That's what a ventilator does 🧠The only major difference between brian dead and a coma is that person in a coma can wake up at any time but a braindead

"Heart Attack , Stroke , Cardiac Arrest, Heart Failure" - are they same?

 No, even though these four come under Cardio Vascular Diseases(CVD) they are not the same. Heart Attack A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart, so without blood, the muscle loses oxygen and dies(stops beating). Stroke A stroke is similar to a heart attack, except it occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. A stroke happens when a blood vessel feeding the brain gets clogged or burst (hemorrhage). This happens due to high blood pressure. Cardiac Arrest  It is a serious heart condition that occurs without a warning. Cardiac arrest is the abrupt loss of heart function, which means the heart suddenly stops pumping. Most cardiac arrests occur when a diseased heart's electrical system malfunctions. This malfunction causes an abnormal heart rhythm. Heart Failure Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs for blood.

Does MASTURBATION 🍌cause acne,hairfall and does it reduce stamina ?

Masturbation 🍌actually has no negative effects on health— in fact, it has several benefits— for example, it can improve your mood, relieve stress, and help with better sleep. ACNE? "So does masturbation cause acne umm nope, this is a common Myth where very one must understand that correlation does not mean causation. What I mean by this is that puberty comes with a free gift of acne and  orgasm  . That means just the timelines match but masturbation by itself does not cause acne ." HAIR FALL? "There is no scientific evidence that masturbation causes hair loss. This myth may come from the idea that semen contains high levels of protein, and os with ejaculation, the body is losing protein that it could use for hair growth. Don't worry." REDUCE STAMINA? "Masturbation has little to no direct effect on people's workout performance. Although testosterone levels fluctuate immediately after orgasm, the change is temporary and unlikely to affect a person's

Do dengue mosquitoes bite only during day?🦟

    M any people often are unaware of the fact that Dengue mosquitoes also bite in the nighttime. Although the chances of being bitten by dengue and chikungunya spreading mosquitoes are higher in the daytime, they can also bite a person at night and cause infection. B ecause the Ades mosquitoes bite mainly during the daytime because they are most active for two hours after the sunrise and few hours before the sunset. So don't chill in the night be careful folks😂.

Does Jumping Rope help you to reduce weight?

  Jumping rope is a full-body workout, so it burns many calories in a short period time. ... But jumping rope  alone won't be enough to help you lose weight . Know More  

Bust Your Myths 💣

 In this blog, I'm gonna bust most of the myths that teenagers have, mainly psychological and physical health myths. You can send me an email so that I can bust them 😎 

Hey! Myth Manthrik here

 "  O h, so now you're in my blog Ummm well... Great you have come to one-stop myth-buster 💯, from now your confused minds are gonna be cleared, be ready mate. Buckel Up! So here you can bust all your myths, tingling in your head and depriving your sleep, don't worry mate😎"