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"Brain death and Coma" - are they the same?

People often confuse Brain death with coma, because they look similar to the eye.

Usually, the Brain has 2 parts:

1.Cortex: handles major functions of the body
2. Brain Stem: consciousness

🧠When a person meets with an accident then if the cortex damages then the person can't move or do any activities like a sleeping person or a paralyzed person, but he lives and breaths because the bain stem is not damaged.

🧠But if the brain stem gets damaged a person can't breathe unless the person is on life support (ventilator).

🧠So that the person's heart pumps the blood to the organs which keeps the organs alive for more days, but the brain is not alive and the person is considered dead. They don't know that the brain has died because the heart has its own pacemaker. The only thing it needs is an adequate supply of oxygen. That's what a ventilator does

🧠The only major difference between brian dead and a coma is that person in a coma can wake up at any time but a braindead person cant wake up.

🧠The only useful thing that can be done with a brain-dead person is donating the persons' organs and save other's lives.

Source :Robert Berman(Youtube)



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