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Does the growth of white hair increase when you pluck white hair follicles?🧓🏻

 So this is a commonly held belief by everyone who has white hair.

🧓🏻When people find white hair they only find two options, either to pluck it or ignore it.

🧓🏻Basically, this isn't true because plucking white hair will only get you new white hair in that place because there is only one hair that can grow per follicle. The surrounding hairs will not turn white until their own follicles pigment cells die.

🧓🏻So whenever you try to pluck white hair, again a white hair grows back because it tends to be white due to melanin deficiency

1.Vitamin Deficiency:🧓🏻

The major reason for whitening of hair is vitamin deficiency of B-6, B-12, vitamin D.So getting white hair at an early age indicates the deficiency of the following vitamins. Vitamin B-12 is associated with a condition called pernicious anemia, which is when your body can't absorb enough of this vitamin. A deficiency can weaken the hair cells and affect melanin production.
Stress can also affect your hair pigmentation. According to a study, experts found a connection between stress and depletion of stem cells in the hair follicles.
This theory might also explain why some world leaders appear to age faster while in their workplace.

Even whitening of hair is also related to the genes.
So when you notice white hair at an early age that doesn't only indicate vitamin deficiency but also genes because our parents or grandparents might also have white hair at an early age.
There are also other factors that can cause white hair like smoking, thyroid, autoimmune deficiency.


So there are chances of preventing white hair unless it is related to genes because we can't change the genes right.
If the reason for whitening is deficiency then we can do some certain changes by eating the deficit vitamin-rich food which can probably help in repigmentation.

Asked by Sagar


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