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Do you think Grahambell said HELLO because that's the name of his wife?📞

 Sir Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the year 1876

📞 He called his wife and said HELLO because his wife's name was Margaret Hello.

 📞This shows how greatly he loved his wife, and he even made everyone in the world say his wife's name at the beginning of a conversation via telephone.

💕Such a great lover right!💕

📞WAIT a second do you really believe this? I think you are one among those millions who believe this story 😂.

📞Don't worry I'm here to reveal the story to you😉

📞First of all, he didn't call his wife, even though he called his wife he wouldn't have said hello because his wife's name is not hello her name is Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, acknowledge it.

📞Graham Bell called MR. Thomas Watson said, "Mr.Watson come here I want to see you."

📞Ok, now you know about Grahambells's wife's name and whom he called first.

📞But do you know why we say hello?

📞During the period of Graham, Bell telephones don't have a feature of connecting and disconnecting during a conversation ,they are connected all the time.

📞So people don't know who is standing at the other end, so they used to say hello to call the person.

📞But Graham Bell said to use the word AHOY, which is used to call a person who is far away likewise the telephones are also far away.

📞The word HELLO was proposed by the famous scientist Sir Thomas Alva Edison.

📞Slowly the word AHOY was dominated by HELLO. But Grahambell continued with AHOY.

📞And finally, this is the reason why people say hello when they call a person.


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