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Is the spirit game real? ☠

We all knew about the spirit game for ages. It is also called the Ouija board.

☠We all knew that we play that game to call the spirits of known or unknown to get information.

☠95 people out of 100 who played the game claimed that they encountered the presence of a spirit. They also said that they got the answers that they want.

☠We know that the Ouija board has the alphabet, numbers, yes, no, start and stop. The game is played with an eye-shaped wooden thing which has glass on it.

☠So when we call the spirit the spirit cones and move the wooden object and stops at the letters and numbers to give u the answers.

☠Back in the year 1861, the American Civil War started and ended in the year 1865.

☠After the war, the consequences were so adverse and tragic that people started dying at the young age of 30.

☠Because after the war there was a food crisis and an outbreak of some diseases. People didn't get proper nutrition and health care so they died at a young age.

☠Slowly then people came to know about the spirit game and they also came to know that they speak to the dead ones and their families.

☠Slowly the game became very popular and every house has a board.

☠But one guy with a business mind saw money in that game.

☠His name is Willian Fuld. He along with three investors started to make a perfect board that has everything that I mentioned before.

An investor named it the Ouija board with the help of a spirit.☠

☠After the creation of the board, he went to file a patent on the Ouija board.
The patent officer asked him to prove it. So William Fuld called a spirit and the spirit said the name of the patent office. So the patent officer believed it and granted a patent on The Ouija Board.

☠And this is all it is we came to know about The Ouija board.

☠But wait, all the above instances were 💯% real.

☠But what people about that happened is not real.

☠ And let me tell you one thing, it is the spirit who answered the question it is you who answered yourself.

☠Yes, this is done by our subconscious brain and this effect is called the ideomotor effect.

☠This is an effect where our subconscious brain creates a motor action in our hands involuntarily.

☠So when you ask a question, acknowledge that it is you who answers the question, not the spirit.

☠Let me explain to you in detail.☠

☠We ask questions that are already known to us. So we tend to hear the same answer we expect.

☠Suppose you have called a spirit(actually you can't) just imagine. If and asked it a question and you have an answer in your brain the wooden object is moved according to the answer by your subconscious brain

☠It means if you want yes it says yes and if you do it says no. 

☠Let me give you an example.

☠Suppose your friend or a relative died and now you are willing to call their spirit. And you started to play the game and the spirit comes because you wished it to come.
☠You asked for its name and it says the name correctly because you know the person's name.

☠But you might doubt that the lady named the board the Ouija board and how the spirit said the patent officer's name.

☠The only answer to this question is the ideomotor effect.
☠ This Means William already knew the name of the patent officer so the spirit (subconscious brain) spelt the name of the officer.

☠And same as the woman was a great fan of the famous author Ouida but she spelt it wrong and named it Ouija.

☠This works for real and you can try it too. Don't worry you won't get cursed or get haunted by the spirit 😆.

☠But if you play the game blindfolded you will not get the true answers. Because you are not able to see the board and wish for an answer.

☠And let me remind you again it is your subconscious brain that plays the game not the spirit 💯💯.

So the myth about the Ouija board is busted😌.


  1. This is the prefect shit that we wanted to have in your blog. This is what we expect from you !

  2. Great work on busting this myth and a clarification that u will not be cursed 😌

  3. Pretty informative, i wonder if u did all the research and stuff.


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