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Showing posts from August, 2022

Do souls exist? If yes do they weigh 21gm? 👻

An article released a few years ago claims that the weight of the soul is 21gm. 👻And most people who read that article started to believe in the existence of the soul and also believed the soul weighs 21gm. 👻 The article says that when a human dies there is a loss of 21gm in his/her weight. 👻 So does the soul exists, if yes does it weigh 21gm? 👻 First, let me make it clear that the soul is a spiritual concept and science doesn't have any proof of the existence of the soul.   👻 This doesn't mean that there aren't souls. Because the absence of evidence is not the evidence for absence. 👻 So this concept of weight of the soul was introduced by physician Duncan MacDougall . 👻 He selected 6 people who are about to die. He placed each of them on a weighing machine. 👻 After the death of the 1st person, a loss of 21gm in his weight was observed. The 2nd person showed a loss of 14gm The 3rd person showed a loss of 28gm The 4th person showed a loss of 10gm 👻 The 5th and 6th

Which came first, the egg🥚 or the chicken 🐔?

These types of questions are called colossal questions, which means these questions don't have a proper answer. But don't worry I'm here to answer the question😎. 🐔You can go and search websites and videos on this question, but it is very difficult to come to a final and accurate conclusion. 🐔 It took me 2hrs+ and I watched 21 videos and read 13 articles to get a conclusion. 🐔 First of all, let us understand the question properly. 1. Which came first the chicken or the egg? 2. Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg? 🐔 There is a lot of difference between the questions  🐔 So let's answer the 1st question 1. Which came first the chicken or the egg? 🥚So according to the theory of evolution chickens evolved from the dinosaurs which are probably egg-laying animals. 🥚 Due to the mutations that take place in the egg the dinosaur slowly changed to a chicken. 🥚 So it is the egg that came first according to this theory and the question. 2. Which came first the ch

Why is it difficult to lift a 15kg cylinder than lifting a 55kg girl?😏😏

 For a man, it is very easy to lift a girl who weighs 50-60 kg. 👧But for the same man, it is difficult to lift a 15kg gas cylinder. 👧Most people think that it is the interest that matters when doing work. 👧But that is a bull shift when we are concerned about lifting jobs, because there a lot more physics involved than interest.   👧So when you lift a girl you use all your back, arm muscle, and leg muscles. And the area of contact also makes a great contribution to that lifting job. 👧But when you lift a cylinder you use only arm muscles and the area of contact with the cylinder is so less. So there you feel more burden. 👧It will be easier to lift a cylinder like the way you lift a girl. 👧It will be difficult to lift a girl like the way you lift a cylinder. 👧So when people say this to you, explain to them the physics behind it.

Do you think Grahambell said HELLO because that's the name of his wife?📞

 Sir Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the year 1876 📞 He called his wife and said HELLO because his wife's name was Margaret Hello.  📞This shows how greatly he loved his wife, and he even made everyone in the world say his wife's name at the beginning of a conversation via telephone. 💕Such a great lover right!💕 📞WAIT a second do you really believe this? I think you are one among those millions who believe this story 😂. 📞Don't worry I'm here to reveal the story to you😉 📞First of all, he didn't call his wife, even though he called his wife he wouldn't have said hello because his wife's name is not hello her name is Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, acknowledge it. 📞Graham Bell called MR. Thomas Watson said, "Mr.Watson come here I want to see you." 📞Ok, now you know about Grahambells's wife's name and whom he called first. 📞But do you know why we say hello? 📞During the period of Graham, Bell telephones don't have a featur

Can okra or lady’s finger improve your mathematical skills?

  F irst, mathematics isn't an organ in your body that can be improved just by eating vegetables. H owever, eating fish can improve your heart function because of omega. A nd badam and walnut help the brain to function correctly but they don't enhance any kind of skills. Mathematics is a subject that can only be mastered by practicing it regularly but not only by eating  OKRA. However, okra has other benefits too which you are supposed to know 1 . Helps to improve digestion 2 . Good for your eyes  3 . Prevents constipation 4 , Controls diabetes and kidney diseases